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  • By admin
  • June 10, 2016


According to Business research outsourcing company Market Quotient, a theory often popularized in recent times following the success of Uber, Theranos, etc is that innovations have to be disruptive in nature. Disruptive innovation makes us think of the advent of the transistor, light bulbs, Google and the like. Nonetheless, innovations are not always disruptive, in fact, most of the innovations are incremental in nature.

Around 17 years ago, when I was barely 7 years of age, I saw a queer looking device in my uncle’s hand. It was called a mobile. It was one of those cheap Nokia handsets that you don’t get to see anymore. But it was expensive and all the rage back then. It wasn’t something that everyone owned. It seemed  back then (to me) that my uncle had the world in the palm of his hands, for he could connect with and speak to whoever he wished to, no matter where they were located.

Obviously, the mobile device operated by sending signals to a tower. These signals were then converted by the tower and transferred to the phone system. Definitely, Craig McCaw and people like him recognized the potential of these signal-converting towers where each tower served as a cell, and thus calls could be transferred from cell to cell, and each cell captured the signal, passing it on to the next cell, thus the name cell phones.


The mobile devices we have today bear no resemblance to the cheap handset that my uncle owned. At the same price rate you get mobile phones that offer so much more than just the calling feature.

Modern day phones make available to you:

  • Games and internet and E-mail.
  • It allows for text and video sharing via various apps.
  • It comes with a front and rear camera that allows you to take high quality images.
  • It can also serve as a music player as well as a video player if needed.
  • It performs the function of a stopwatch, an alarm clock, a calculator, and many more.

As per Business research outsourcing, such developments in mobile technology have been slow. The process if it can be defined in any way can be said to be incremental. Sudden, rapid, ‘disruptive’ technological changes (if any) are extremely rare. Most of the innovations are incremental and gradual.

Disruptive technology is something like a lottery. There are a lot of participants. But only a few win. Though the ones who do, become overnight celebrities. Naturally most people associate disruption with innovation, and realizing that they often cannot achieve the target as the bar is too high, give up before they have even started. But this is often the wrong mindset.


Fact of the matter is that anyone can innovate. You need to identify an area of concern and work upon it, for that is what innovation is all about. Making things better than they were before. Small incremental changes, in due time become disruptive just as my uncle’s Nokia phone did when it evolved from a cellphone to a ‘Smartphone’.

Over the past several years, ever since its establishment, Market Quotient, a Web research company has made quite a name for itself in Business research outsourcing and innovation. We innovate because it enables us to ask better questions.

It is often understood, that our innovations aren’t going to bring about a massive overnight change in the way research teams work and behave, nevertheless, we still try to keep up-to-date in order to facilitate things for our customers.

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