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Generating Leads from Social Media Platform is an Art

  • By admin
  • November 16, 2018

The marketing game is pulling businesses along with it and is changing every day. businesses are faced with the stark choice of evolving or being disrupted from the need to automate and take a data-driven approach to rely on consumers for brand awareness. The new face of marketing is undoubtedly a harsh but rewarding place where only the nimble survive.

social media has played a pivotal role in businesses over the past 10 year or so. If you ask if there are reasons for interest among marketing professionals to turn to social media for their businesses? Our answer will be a big ‘YES’. However, the future of social media for generating leads is not crystal clear, but the factors on which it depends are being used today upon which it is heavily dependent.

a few marketers only associate social media with formulating brand awareness and the number is very less though. However, they never sale their products through these platforms. But, a blog or a video on social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube can be much more influential in generating leads or revenue or even probing new business opportunities. you need to find out your target audience on social media if you want to promote your products through these platforms. With around 1.86 billion monthly active users, Facebook is an outstanding example of one such channel. leads can be generated from its pool of divergent users, with the right tactics only. Many of these strategies are on the same core concept- of providing a value added service.

Narrow Down Target:

Remember that people register on social networking sites to socialize and never like to being besieged with meaningless advertisements. The trick is to grab the attention of your target audience gradually and to make sure that your posts don’t come across as self-promotional ones. None of us appreciate a sales pitch on Instagram, especially from people we barely know. Therefore, you need to narrow down on your target clients and then only steer them towards your brand.

Content Marketing is the Right Way for generating Leads:

Content marketing has caved way to reach the demographic to whom your product or service may be of great value, rather than just marketing with the hope of reaching someone at the right time with the certain need and an approved budget. A recently published report by the Content Marketing Institute revealed that B2B marketers allocate 28% of their total marketing budget to content marketing. This consolidates your audience’s trust in your brand and also helps to show your credibility to them. Content need to be beneficial and of a definite standard.

Use Video to promote:

The new feature of live video in many social sites is an effective leap in engaging your audience. Your audience will be encouraged to build trust towards your brand through such videos; especially by giving them a glimpse of the value behind the main door of your organization.

[Read more: How Email Marketing Helps your Business to Grow Globally]

Multiple channels to promote-:

Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube or Google+, each one of these social media sites boasts of its own characteristic amongst its communities. for lead generation, use multiple channels and cross promotion that uncovers a large audience as this is an extremely powerful tool. However, high quality social media content is compulsory to get there and also the patience and dedication. on Social Media, lead generation is carried out by different kinds of campaigns and promotions. these campaigns and promotions are need to further segregate into organic (free!) and the paid ones.

To measure the ROI, social media goals actually help you a lot. A successful ROI is ultimately the value of all the efforts invested; however, this may not necessarily be associated with revenue generation. While calculating and reviewing the result, find out what worked out and what didn’t and then refine your strategies to achieve your sales and marketing goals. If used tactically, social media has the power of not only to increase brand awareness and increase website traffic but also to multiple conversions.

We, at Market Quotient help our clients in every possible way to generate B2B leads using social media platforms. If you wish to avail our services or need to know more about us, mail us at