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Business Research Outsourcing

  • By admin
  • October 29, 2014

The process of business research is a major component to pave path for your existing business as per the market scenario. So you need to have in depth knowledge of the business you are in. Due to busy schedule in day to day life, it has become difficult to concentrate on the research of existing business. So this has necessitated the need of outsourcing business research.

Right information searching is an important activity in business research. Outsourcing of business process increases productivity of workplace and this leads to grapping of more business in future.

Market Quotient does outsourcing on the following services:

i)  Research on finance domain along with analysis and modeling

ii)   Research on business including preparing company profiles, analytics of data etc.

iii)  Research on life sciences

iv)  Research on legal issues

v)   Research on intellectual properties

Business Model at Market Quotient:

Based on project complexity and our outsourcing partner, we define the business models for outsourcing.

I.  FTE Model – This model works best for the clients who have high end projects. The idea behind the model is to assign a particular resource to a client with such needs.

 II.  Project Based Model – There are some unique projects which come up as special needs from clients. These are non-repetitive in nature. The pricing structure and scope of the projects are pre-determined in this model

 III. Dedicated Team Model – This model is suited for clients who give long term processes which require the involvement of an entire team of analysts. In here, the client receives updated workflow reports and provides feedback on the same.

We believe in clear and precise understanding in your requirement and deliverables that we provide are of high quality. We build a long relationship and add values in innovations and also enhance the businesses.

Market Quotient ensures:

  • Our well trained team in research and development ensure that high quality work is delivered to our client.
  • Round the clock to client support in order to resolve queries on time.
  • We believe in delivering high quality databases, reports, articles, analysis etc.