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  • By admin
  • January 4, 2016

Maternity leave policies portray a cherished story about how societies prioritize families. Working mothers always have an unspoken sense that they need to “buckle down” and prove that having a child will not affect their productivity at work. We cannot ignore the fact women had to undergo a very hard time during childbearing.

Our female employees’ contributions are valuable in the workplace. But this contribution came along with the sacrifice. Women at work should be treated equally and they deserve the foundation for a better future.

Women who return to work prior to six months after giving birth are at greater risk for postpartum depression. In contrast, longer maternity leave is necessary for better mental health for mothers and extended lengthened breastfeeding for children.Research has also depicted that the quality relationship between mother and child predicts long-term outcomes from physical and mental health to the development of learning disabilities, impulsivity and productivity later in life.

Currently the union government in India is all set to increase the maternity leave for the employed women in private firms from the 12 weeks to 26 weeks. The Labour Ministry has amended the Maternity Benefit Act,1961 and has increased the maternity leave to six-and-a-half months. Women need a longer maternity leave in absence of any support in parenting from men. It should not be seen as a minimization in labour hours, but as a long-term investment from the future economic point of view.

Market Quotient believes that human resources are the best assets and their well being should be taken into consideration. The company provides a congenial working environment which results in higher job satisfaction among employees. It is always very supportive towards women employees during their maternity period so that they can recuperate and invest their time in childcare .

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