“In order to sell a product or a service, a company must establish a relationship with the customer. It must build trust and support the customer’s needs, and it must provide a product that delivers the promised benefits…” Levinson writes in his book “guerrilla advertisement”, that on implementing guerrilla marketing strategies, smaller organizations and entrepreneurs are actually at an advantage.
The strategy of guerrilla marketing was basically aimed to small business that has a small budget and wants a larger reach of target audience. But big business didn’t keep its step back from adopting the same. Innovative ways of advertisements and campaigns have made many company, consumer friendly.
Larger companies have been using unconventional marketing to compliment their advertising campaigns. Some marketers argue that when big businesses utilize guerrilla marketing tactics, it isn’t true guerrilla. Bigger companies have much larger budgets and their brands are usually already well established.
The low-cost, unconventional means of promoting product is a strategy of guerrilla advertisement. It includes the use of graffiti, sticker bombing, flyer posting, etc. But today, guerrilla marketing is wide. It includes promotion through a cluster of individuals, groups, or organizations working to familiarize the product or idea by using strategies like flash mobs, viral marketing, campaigns, or internet marketing through social media.
Internet is so extensive with the examples of guerrilla marketing, which we don’t get to notice – until an exceptional/outstanding campaign arises.
A landing page, is a tactics of guerrilla marketing. As users wait for the internet page to get loaded, companies come up with their landing page to the user’s visibility and keep him engaged. Apart from that online guerrilla marketing includes hosting free webinar marketing tips, giving products for free or lesser amount, making LinkedIn the only source of output, creating group, throwing LinkedIn events, etc. Companies like Google create “discussion” like the theme Google logo games to see the interest and engagement in audience. This vigorous guerrilla marking strategy can make your small business huge.
Market Quotient is such company which do market researches and surveys, giving a notice to the company’s outlook and the market trend. Customising the client’s need, is what we gift. To know more about us please feel free to drop in at contact@marketquotient.com