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Market Quotient: Why Small Attitudinal Shifts Results In A Huge Brand Difference

  • By admin
  • May 27, 2016

Human lives are often governed by a routine or a schedule. It is a part of our lives. From the time we leave our beds to the time we hit the sack again, most of the activities we do are essentially learned or cultivated habits. It shows up in how we interact with others, react to situations, or respond to our environment.

Such habits are essential. As humans we latch onto certain attributes and patterns of behavior. This allows us to repeat those patterns of behavior again and again, allowing us to excel in it. This is one of the prime causes for human efficiency. However, there are many habit patters that are detrimental to human behavior and one has to determine the cause and effect to understand the underlying symptoms.

Nonetheless, take the example of 14 year old Ryan. Ryan is in high school. His schedule includes getting up at 8am sharp, completing his classes by 2pm, and then attending the drama session in school. His return to home is often accompanied by dinner, and then he sits down with the day’s work or maybe takes an evening out with family or friends.

23 year old Patrick has a completely different schedule, being a Software Tester in one of the renowned firms of the city gets him a high pay for which he has to labor “9 to 5” every day, five days in a week. His evenings are mostly spent socializing with friends or carrying some extra work home with him.

James, a 53 year old business owner says, “My day often begins with some light meditation followed by checking my daily mails, then its office for me. Evening is usually devoted to learning or if some social event comes up I have to make that my priority although family should be my priority. My little girl is growing up, and I should be there for her”.

James, Patrick and Ryan belong to different age groups, each having his own priority but the common thread that connects them is something known as a ‘routine behavior’. According to Business research outsourcing company Market Quotient, it was established that certain habits can be broken and new formative, productive habits put in their place by following the loop which involves:

  1. Taking a cue.
  2. Developing a routine.
  3. The reward component which makes you more determined with your schedule.

The fact that little changes to your attitudinal behaviors could lead to the formation of a productive behavior within you, really appealed to me as a market researcher, for in my line of duty, I often look upon patters, examine common trends of behavior which would lead us to a general or a more comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand.

It helps us understand:

  • The irregularities in the business cycle.
  • Whether a company is running to par.
  • The little attitudinal ‘shifts’ that have occurred overtime, etc.

For this very reason, companies prefer investing in Outsource business research India, in order to track reports investigating small shifts because these shifts are often pinpointing toward larger trends in data. These small shifts or patterns are revealing and are often indicative of how we should move further. At Market Quotient, we examine these small shifts and habit loops in great detail.

These shifts are indicative of:

  • Client habits.
  • Differing client behaviors when we examine a segmented consumer base.
  • Whether or not marginal attitudinal shifts could help drive business sales.

The answers to the above posed conclusive points could very well point our clienteles in the right direction by helping them break out of previously established sluggish business values and incorporating small behavioral shifts that could align the company to its core values and long term goals.

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