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Broken Windows Theory in India’s new industry

  • By admin
  • April 10, 2015

Broken Windows Theory in India’s new industry

Suppose you find some litter accumulating in one side of the pavement, and a five step ahead is the dustbin. The small amount of litter soon gets into a vast heap. Because people eventually leave their garbage on the pavement instead of using the dustbin! Broken window theory is some serious problem like this which finds out the indiscipline, messy environment and yet to fit in consumer’s mind. People adopt the change in the way they see in their community! This theory is getting prominent through Indian cab facility. The broken window theory is prodigious to the eyes when you see Kolkata’s yellow and Mumbai’s black taxi is taken away by the “tagged cabs”.

Hello! A new large market is here. An industry is building up evolving around the taxis!

Broken window theory is impeccable since the consumers are not used to this kind of market place! But marketers are setting a new mind set with awareness and marketing strategies in customer’s mind. The innovative approach and predatory pricing will bring in loyal customers as believed by the marketers. The calling facility that brings cab to your house- to the app that makes a pre booking, has always kept you in dilemma! And the only reason is- the messy syndrome in this industry. The broken glass theory has always kept this industry a bit aloof from consumers.

Meru cab which was found in 2007 has a bigger fight now with the pre 2011 started Ola cab and mid 2011 started TaxiForSure. Ola cabs have grown to 67 cities from 5 cities, since 2011. The new industry is flourishing. Various discounts and free rides are the marketing strategy of this industry. An easy way of customer acquisition. The growing industry is trying to bridge between the customer and the brand name. Few other cabs have come up with the urgency of environmental requirement. Like Viira cab. Viira Cab is the cab facility that has recently been launched in Mumbai. This certain cab is viewed very less because of the improper infra structure. It is a cab facility for the woman, provided by the woman drivers. A proper investor to train women as on an industrial scale is required which can sterilize the marketing strategy of the Viira cabs! The theory of broken glass, works here again since the investors find it as social work, rather than business. Apart from that, for the safety of woman passengers, Ola cabs have also started a “pink service” which has woman driver. The requirement is pretty much until more innovation come up, with broken glass theory.

Keeping the broken glass theory in mind, Market Quotient, try to absorb every market that brings up the new trend, with new set of example. Market research can always provide betterment to the new customers and the existing customers. And Market Quotient is always flexible to the new scopes with appropriate models and proper insight for every industry.