Churn Model
The PLC cycle of your product depends completely on a consumer satisfaction. When the growth stage of your product and the introduction stage of your competitor, attract the same number of consumer, you will know that the decline stage of your product is no far. Why a customer does not use your product or service- can be understood, with Churn Model.
A churn model is a predictive tool where a company can utilize to understand the customer’s demand for the product or service. The churn model is a part of the market analysis process, where the steps of customer churn is looked into. Customer data and customer behaviour is required to understand the churn model. This model is mostly used in retail sectors, where the customer behaviour is observed.
The churn model is not a model that reflects how a customer really acts, but it is a model where in you can understand how to retain back your customer. Your existing customer is your power. So, with an evolving churn model, marketer can fight and retain the customers. This is a model built to procure the betterment of the product life cycle.
Marketing is a small term with wider knowledge. Market Quotient tries to achieve all this terms and knowledge that marketing evolve around. Giving a perfect mix to the classical and neo classical approach, Market Quotient tries to satisfy the customer reaching to every need they require. The main motive of Market Quotient is to keep its wheel rolling around different approaches to make the best of the market research.