Over the years e-commerce has evolved like all other digital technology and consumer-driven markets. The retailers are facing new challenges and opportunities with the growth in B2C e commerce. In order to meet customer demands, companies have adapted their strategies to fit current trends. Market Quotient has suggested top five trends that will carry e-commerce through 2015 and will continue into the New Year.
1. Customer is God
Internet has become the competition ground for any one. In this scenario, companies will have to impress a customer in order to make them stay, because in reality, the customer has all the power and they know it. Companies need to listen to their customers’ need and deliver, or else they might lose customer loyalty.
MQ suggests few of the strategies that companies can use to improve the customer experience, which include:
- Create a return experience that is as good as the purchasing experience
- To create relationship with customers that goes beyond purchases
- More loyalty programs and benefits, to ensure customers continue shopping
- Online purchase and pick up in store option should be available
2. Global Transactions
It has become much easier to purchase products from websites based in other countries. It is creating a problem for the local merchants. However, local merchants can broaden their reach and take advantage of selling overseas to new clients. The introduction of Global Transaction has driven global business to new heights.
3. Shifting Marketing Strategies
Online marketing has its own niche, but more marketing strategies are evolving to fit e-commerce trends. Those who have the capabilities, are using big data to create personalized shopping experiences for their online visitors. Other brands are using innovative visual presentations to capture the shoppers’ eye.
One of the fastest growing marketing trend is not just displaying the products nicely on a page, but developing a story to draw in the customer through written text and videos in online stores.
4. Mobile friendly
Smartphones and tablets are providing more internet access, to anyone anywhere. Companies offer “mobile-friendly” sites to enjoy a zestful business. So it is crucial for companies to adapt their sites for mobile devices so that they can make sales wherever their customers may be.
5. Social Networking
A strong social presence is a must for E-commerce sites otherwise they won’t last long in the market. Through social media, retailers are able to connect with shoppers where they spend the most time online.
Retailers will need to incorporate these trends into their business strategies in order to remain relevant in the e-commerce market. As advancements in technology occur, there will be a huge opportunity for retailers to boost their sales if they are able to adapt and maximize the potential these new tools have to offer. To mould it all, Market Quotient help the companies to redefine themselves and make it customer friendly.
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