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Strategy To Enhance Your Mobile App!

  • By admin
  • October 26, 2015

There is no much time left when the hunt for mobile data will diversify your work phase.  It is been seen that U.S spends 60% of time to their mobile devices, where 52% of the connected time is spend over apps than that of web. Web on PC lets you collect data very easily, but then when it comes to apps; it becomes difficult to collect data. A huge proportion of mobile data is being missed out in this case. If your app is to drive customers, if your app has built an e-commerce platform, then this ugly truth matters! Mobile apps have a lot of data which needs to get resolved soon.

Few steps to start with:

🙂 If there is any company who is actually doing it, then we might identify the steps that they initiated in collecting data. Like, Flipkart initiated the chat messenger within the website, which helps them to track data.

🙂 Installation app primarily measures the app but cannot evaluate the actual happening in app. The eventful data are required to get measured that will put some relevance to the business.

🙂 There are several companies concentrating on data management platform. Our research says, like 48% of data management platform concentrate on mobile web and PC web. It is better to have a data combined to the profile for a clear customer view; this adds value to the data you collect. Make the channel wider/ broader.

🙂 Once the data are set together, you get leverage to marketing mix. An automation programme in marketing to determine the customer action can be easily noticed.

Few ugly truth of the digital world:

  •  🙂 Customer data is not the third party cookies. The consumer’s behaviour with third party cookie is effective mostly on PC web. This would not affect much in accruing data from mobile.
  •  🙂 How would you measure the mobile activity? The consumer action over apps is called EVENT. This event can be anything! From product search to browsing activity to keeping an item in wishlist to keeping it in cart or referring a friend. Now these events can be tracked with device ID or phone number.
  •  🙂 Behaviour over PC web and mobile should be assimilated and put in a single profile. The combination of PC web and mobile data has a different aspect in the data you procure.

You might play wonder in the market with out of box thoughts, ideas, strategies. Market Quotient profound in providing these. Reach us, share with us, know from us.

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