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The Car Industry!

  • By admin
  • July 14, 2015

Research says, just like the phones are getting smarter, so are the cars. The cars industry would slowly respond and remind the digital changes. The traffic safeties, the danger-warning application, are few features that the road is getting equipped with. In the next several years, there will be a 30% rise in networked cars; and as expected there will be one in five cars connected to the internet. 2020 is expected to see a complete digitalized world all around.

To get a profitable future, the keys that the original equipment manufacturers should focus on, to give a perfect shape to its own company, by 2025, are as follows:

  • *Cars will be expected with more modular systems, in various platforms. The regulatory pressures will soon tighten up, and prices are likely to get flat in established markets. OEMs or original equipment manufacturers need to adapt to the supply and demand of the changing regional and segment patterns of the production.
  • *Digital sources are the basic sources that consumers stay tuned to while making their buying decisions. Staying connected to the consumers can differ in the sales. Like the global sales in car has shown a very influencing rise due to digital marketing.


  • *For active safety and information entertainment, there will be suppliers presenting power technology in various innovative solutions. The competition is emerging from China whereas Europe is adjusting to match the demand for better.

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